Wednesday, January 28, 2009

BABC Appearance

I can't believe how tired I am this week! I'm hoping it's just lack of rest from a fabulous weekend and not an illness trying to make way into my otherwise healthy immune system!

After meeting up with some of my favorite people, fellow book clubbers (We call ourselves Chiclits and Chocolates ;) on Saturday, I awoke early Sunday morning to prepare for a long day on my feet at the WPCF Bridal Expo out in Lake Buena Vista (at the Royal Plaza). Volunteering for Brides Against Breast Cancer is always good fun for me, but this was my first Gown Modeling show and I couldn't help but enjoy the glamorous appeal of dressing up and parading around in Wedding Gowns to entice future Brides to come to the big Sale in March! Although my feet were a bit achy at the end of the day, it mattered not- this past Sunday was wonderful and I can't wait to do it again soon!

Here are a few pictures from the event :) Enjoy- and don't forget to come check out the BABC booth at the next Bridal Show in Central Florida- the PWG show on 02/08! More info on that to come shortly.

Here's the BABC booth all set up and ready for Brides!

Lindsay from Room Service and Myself, armed with Gown Sale postcards- ready to attract and educate!

Here we are with Jennifer, our star model! Her dress is just sooo gorgeous!

Here we all are- Rosie, Lindsay, Myself and Jennifer in our Round 2 Gowns! What a blast :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some Things I'm Working On :)

I'm ready to get a lil personal tonight with my plans and aspirations for 2009! I've been conducting some research in my spare time, seeking information that will pave the way for my reformed business. Now that I've got a clear vision and grand direction ahead of me, time to build the foundation!

After tearing down my previous business, I've been left with my hopes, dreams and ambition. The time has come to turn those into formidable objects, realities if you will. I started this blog back in August I believe? And at that time, the name- Wedding-n.; (More Than A Dress) - naturally developed itself and embodied the vision I had yet to awaken to. Now, looking at the title of this blog, I smile at my previous blindness and ignorance really.

More Than A Dress- says everything that I believe, everything that I feel and everything that I hope for the Weddings and Events, the Brides and Grooms and every client, colleague and friend that I work with. Perfection in a name. Who could ask for more?

Up to this point, my research is turning up in my favor- there's a great chance that I'll be able to secure this name for the new company and move forward with my plans. I'm very eager to get started on the legal grounds of this foundation. Building something as wonderful as my hopes suggest needs a powerful and strong foundation. I can't imagine a better start. Fingers crossed that it works out! :)

And I'm so distracted by the special features section of The DaVinci Code DVD (my multi-tasking, hard at work tonight!) I can't stand it anymore, so I'm off to allow my brain some uninterrupted moments of intrigue and mysterious delight! I trust my readers are enjoying a lovely weekend and I'll be updating my progress again very soon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Join us on FACEBOOK!!!


Please help us spread the word by joining our cause on Facebook!
BABC Orlando Members are working diligently to recruit supporters who will then recruit their own friends to support as well, won't you join in the fun?!

The BABC Orlando Facebook Cause is a great place for our supporters to get the latest and greatest news on what we're up to, how they can help and when to plan to attend our events.
Please follow this link below to access the Facebook cause, join and recruit, recruit, recruit!

The more our community knows about Brides Against Breast Cancer and the Making Memories Foundation, the more Wishes we can help Grant, the more Brides we can Gown and the more Good Natured Hearts we can Challenge to join this important battle!
As Always- Happiness and Success!

Cherise Phillips

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New and Grand Direction!

Have you ever fallen prey to the complex and mysterious questions that seem more like little rubix cubes- imposing on your otherwise calm and stable mind? "There's got to be more... What am I missing?.. I need direction... Where is the light?!?" Well, you're certainly not alone. I myself spent many recent months pondering these questions- something just wasn't quite right- I felt like I was starring in my own "Princess and The Pea"! I could feel the "pea"- but it wasn't visible- until yesterday.

My boys and I were sitting down for lunch when the surges of ideas and explanations started sweeping into my mind. Earlier that day, I awoke with a heavy cloak of misery and found myself desperately trying to shake it off. Perhaps it is desperation in which we find ourselves, or at least pieces of ourselves that are ready to shine. My revelation was delivered to me, much like Dorothy was delivered to Oz- a quick, blustering cone- full of truth and dreams entwined.

I'm drawing out a map and blueprints made of facts and truths, in which my hopes and dreams will guide me. Today, I possess an internal compass, leading me in a new and grand direction! It all seems so clear to me now, I'm dumbfounded by my previous blindness. Hindsight is 20/20. For Sure.

Although my plans are not solidified, my wishes not yet acted upon- I would like to share a few pieces of the blueprint in which I will be constructing my business and life from. Consider this your preview trailer into the new mission of Cherise Phillips!

The Truths
1. Green has superseded Pink as my favorite color. Officially.
2. The delivery of my household recycling bins has sparked great fulfilment and happiness in myself and intrigued my boys.
3. I've considered pursuing an expanded education.
4. is one of my favorite websites.
5. My volunteer work with Brides Against Breast Cancer provides me with a sense of satisfaction that other jobs do not. I crave more of this.
6. I love linen shopping sacks. I hate their plastic alternatives.
7. I'm fortunate enough, and capable of compassion for those trying to make their way in the world- even when it's not popular in society.
8. I find mainstream wedding and event products to be just that. Lacking in the key elements that truly connect with two people who are taking vows of companionship, lifelong love and loyalty.
9. I'm a master of planning, coordinating and budgeting. It's part of Me.
The Dreams
1. Entrepreneurial ism
2. To. Help. People.
3. To make positive differences in this Country, and the World.
4. To live and lead a Happy, Successful and Fulfilled Life.
5. To leave a History my children will be proud and honored to pass along, continue and live themselves.
6. To see many beginnings and 0 ends to Lifelong Companionship and Love.

These two lists of items will be the foundation for my business going forward. You may notice the similarities between the Truths and Dreams and recognize where I'm headed. If these clues are yet too puzzling for you though- no worries. Stay tuned for more official announcements and accomplishments that will shed even more light on this New and Grand Direction. I'm filled with excitement, clarity and peace all at once and ready to set things in motion asap!

Happiness and Success Always,

Cherise Phillips, PBC

Friday, January 9, 2009

What a Happy New Year!

Change is imminent. Especially with a New Year. My sincere wish is that all of you are looking forward, seeing the Brightness and Prosperity of 2009 right in front of you! I've spent the last few weeks plotting and planning, setting things into motion for my own Personal and Professional revision and take Great Pride and Pleasure in announcing these next items!

1.) First and most importantly- I will no longer be operating under the company name Simply Bliss. For the time being, I will simply be known and introducing myself as Cherise Phillips, PBC (Professional Bridal Consultant). Please note however- During the rebuild of my business foundation, I plan to continue work in the Wedding Industry and will still be available for assisting, consulting, planning and coordinating services.

2.) Important facts to know: The domain name ( has been released and I'll soon be working on a fresh and flavorful, all new website. My contact information (phone number and email address) otherwise remains the same.

3.) I've launched a new blog! Brides Against Breast Cancer, Orlando Please join me in supporting this association in their efforts to Grant Wishes to terminally ill Breast Cancer Patients. There's so much you can do to make a difference in the lives of so many.

Welcome to a New and Beautiful Year everyone, I'm so Happy and Fortunate to be here with each of you and powered with excitement for the Great Lives we'll all be leading in 2009.

Happiness and Success, Always

Cherise Phillips, PBC

*My NEw Year's Day Fish. Of course I released him, but he was a fun catch, therefore a relic of my Resolutions and I'm very proud of my first Catch of 2009!*