Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Join us on FACEBOOK!!!


Please help us spread the word by joining our cause on Facebook!
BABC Orlando Members are working diligently to recruit supporters who will then recruit their own friends to support as well, won't you join in the fun?!

The BABC Orlando Facebook Cause is a great place for our supporters to get the latest and greatest news on what we're up to, how they can help and when to plan to attend our events.
Please follow this link below to access the Facebook cause, join and recruit, recruit, recruit!

The more our community knows about Brides Against Breast Cancer and the Making Memories Foundation, the more Wishes we can help Grant, the more Brides we can Gown and the more Good Natured Hearts we can Challenge to join this important battle!
As Always- Happiness and Success!

Cherise Phillips

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